Intellectual Property

Costaș, Negru & Asociații offers legal advice, assistance and representation in the preferred areas of intellectual property. Amongst the legal services offered by our lawyers in this field of activity, there are the following:

– drafting and revising agreements (including non-disclosure agreements) and clauses regarding intellectual property rights within the legal relationship between employers and their employees and within business partnerships, which involve the access of the other contracting party to information and data protected by intellectual property rights;

– verification of the registration of invention patents and trademarks in the national records;

– legal advice and assistance in the process of trademark registration and granting of invention patents;

– legal assistance and representation in the negotiation, conclusion and modification of contracts regarding intellectual property rights;

– legal representation in the administrative procedure before OSIM (directly with the aid of the firm’s office in Bucharest);

– ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights, through legal representation before the competent courts of law in disputes arising from the violation of these rights or from contracts concluded regarding intellectual property rights.

For example, our company has successfully represented the interests of some IT companies, including companies financed by foreign capital that carry out their current activity on the Romanian market, in the negotiations and conclusion of confidentiality agreements regarding the products sold to commercial partners, on which they have justified intellectual property rights.

The profile of the companies legally assisted by Costaș, Negru & Asociații Lawyers’ Civil Partnership in the vast field of intellectual property is diverse and continuously expanding.